This post represents another installment in the series documenting our West Coast National Parks trip in the summer of 2017. Alan and I, along with our 18 year old daughter, Kyra, logged a total of 8,513 memorable miles of adventure over the course of five and a half weeks during the months of July and August.
As I’ve noted in the past, this National Parks trip was intended to be a “sampler” trip – as were our two previous cross-country National Parks trips. When vacations were constrained by work and school schedules, we squeezed as much sightseeing and as many experiences into our travels as possible. The theory was that when we stumbled on a place we really enjoyed, we could always return in the future. Our schedule allowed just two days to explore Redwood National and State Parks and the coast of southern Oregon, so we planned to pack those two days with as much adventure as we could.