I’d like to extend a round of applause to all of you bloggers who somehow manage to post while on the road. I truly can’t imagine how you do it. I’ve often written posts ahead of time and set them to publish on future dates, but I’ve haven’t yet managed to draft and publish a post while we’ve been on the road and on the run. This time, I went so far as to put my notes and photos on my laptop – and that’s as far as I got. So, no post for the past three weeks and a well-deserved tip of my hat to those of you who are both road warriors and road writers.
Last year, Alan and I sold the second of two rental properties we owned. For the first time since we had both escaped the workforce, we were truly free from responsibilities. Winter travel had always been problematic for a variety of reasons, and this new-found freedom allowed us to enjoy the festivities of the Christmas season in both Pigeon Forge and Nashville, Tennessee, early in December. Just recently, it also allowed us to escape the cold winter weather that plagues our area of the northeast. In happy anticipation of wearing shorts and t-shirts, we set out to visit Alan’s brother and sister-in-law, Tom and Joan, in Florida. We tacked on a few days in Savannah, Georgia, and a few more days on Chincoteague Island in Virginia, and we were looking forward to our first adventure as snowbirds. Wow! Did we learn a lot!