This post represents another installment in the series documenting our West Coast National Parks trip in the summer of 2017. Alan and I, along with our 18 year old daughter, Kyra, logged a total of 8,513 memorable miles of adventure over the course of five and a half weeks during the months of July and August.
It’s no secret that Alan and I are road-trippers at heart. I absolutely love our home, love being at home and love coming home to our home. After varying lengths of time, though, I start to miss life on the road. Decades ago, when we started traveling together, vacations were a string of truck stops, tent sites, mom and pop motels and fill ups of cheap gas. We cruised up and down the east coast so often that nearly every interchange on Interstate 95 became familiar. So, what could possibly make two die-hard road trippers happier than including stops along historic Route 66 in their travels? Not a thing.